What? : Gastronomic restaurant
Where? : 1 Rue des Étuves 13100 Aix-en-Provence
When? : Thursday > Monday from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 19:00 to 22:00
How Much? : Midday menu €37 / Menu Découverte €70 / Menu Dégustation €100 / A la carte from €28
More informations? : 04 42 21 25 27
A link? : Click-here

Here is someone who shakes up the cooking codes! Anthony Marras, the young chef at the Narcisse restaurant, is like a king in his castle. Sure of himself, of his creativity and his talent, he rereads certain pages of the History of France by reinterpreting period dishes in his own way.

By Valérie Vangreveninge